pp108 : Assigning Time-frame for Dashboard

Assigning Time-frame for Dashboard

This topic describes the procedure to assign time frame for dashboard.

Assign a time frame for Dashboard to view the BAM composite controls with different time periods. The Business Measure or the KPI that is created is available as a composite control in the project content tree. For more information on creating a Business Measure and creating a KPI refer to Creating a Business Measure and Creating a KPI.

  1. Drag a Business Measure or KPI, or Standard View(s) (available as a composite control), onto an XForm Designer.
  2. Reuse the TimeFrame composite control. In the Untitled Composite Control - Composite Control window that appears, ensure that you select the TimeFrame composite control from Process Platform Business Activity Monitoring folder. The TimeFrame composite control is added to the project as a reference.
  3. Drag the TimeFrame composite control from the project content tree onto the XForm Designer.
  4. Right-click or double-click the TimeFrame composite control and specify properties to it.

    Mapping of Range and Period in the drill-down do not work when you specify the TimeFrame composite control as static. If TimeFrame is rolling, you can map either startime-endtime or Range-period depending upon the available input parameters for the target. Conversely, if the input parameters in the target are static, you can select the TimeFrame composite control as either static or rolling and map starttime-endtime.

  5. Right-click the TimeFrame composite control on the XForm Designer and select Configure Drill Down. The Message Map dialog box appears. Map the output parameter of the Time-frame (static-starttime and endtime {use this if you expect processed value from Business Measure or KPI based on static time-frame} or rolling - range and period {use this case if you expect processed value from Business Measure or KPI based on rolling time-frame} ) to the input parameter of the target view, that is, Business Measures or KPIs time-frame (static-starttime and endtime or rolling - range and period). Refer to using Message Map to message map the data. Click OK.


    • For further details on creating an User Interface (XForm), refer Creating XForms.
    • You can save and assign the created XForms (using composite controls) to a user or role to view it as a dashboard. For further details on assigning the XForm to a user refer Assigning Tasks to Users.
  6. Click (Preview).
  7. In the XForm preview, enter the required time period and click (Refresh).
  8. Assign the XForm to a user or role. For further details on assigning the XForm to a user refer Assigning Tasks to Users. Open the task and view Dashboard runtime.
  9. In Dashboard runtime, the time-frame for the view is first rendered with the time-frame as specified in composite control properties. If you wish to change the time-frame, then specify time period at appropriate place in the dashboard and click (Refresh).
    The time frame is assigned to the Dashboard.

Related concepts

Composing Dashboards
Drill-down between Composite Controls

Related reference

Process Monitoring Object Instances